Melangata Station

Coordinates: 27.803°S - 116.885°E
Melangata is a pastoral lease of 45,122 Ha (111,500 Ac).
It is located 63 kilometres (39 m) north of Yalgoo, 99 kilometres (62 m) west of Mount Magnet, and 285 km east of Geraldton in the Murchison area of the Mid West region of Western Australia.
Although pastoral leases of the majority of land surrounding Melangata were taken up before 1880, the area on which the homestead is located was not leased until 1897.
For about twenty years the only dwelling on the property was a simple humpy at an out-camp by the Cue Road which passed through the Melangata pastoral lease cl915.
The station was originally a sheep station with shearing lists as early as 1915, with a scheduled number of 2500 sheep to be shorn. More recently it has also served as a goat transshipment location.
The property has a huge range of diversity and runs approximately 1500 mixed age Dorper/Damara cross sheep.
C.C. Williamson acquired the property in 1915 and had the homestead commissioned in 1917.
The house was designed by Priest- Architect Monsignor John Hawes, whose parish included Yalgoo at that time. Hawes also supervised the erection of the building which is his only non -ecclesiastical building in Western Australia.
The Melangata Station Homestead has historic significance for its role in the development of the pastoral industry in the Yalgoo district and is the only private property in Western Australia to have a John Hawes designed homestead
It has further significance as a rare example of the work of in the field of domestic architecture.

Melangata Station has both aesthetic and rarity value for
the hand-painted pressed metal ceilings which are also a feature
of the Noongall Station Homestead and Carlaminda Station Homestead.
The chapel, tower, and breezeway also contribute to the
aesthetic significance of the place.
The homestead is one of the best examples of a heritage 6 bedroom
3 bathroom stone home with a corrugated iron roof and
surrounding verandahs.
The home has been extensively renovated to fit the era, and features
its own Chapel with altar which opens off the living room, a
unique Turret / stone tower, and pressed metal ceilings hand-
painted by H.C. Jermy.
The breezeways are without doors, allowing a constant flow of air throughout the structure.
The gardens are magnificent due to the quality and quantity of the water that is available.
Like most stations in the area it has its own airstrip adjacent to the homestead, and because of its position maps of the area are named after the station.
The old Brick shearing shed could tell some stories of the bygone era when Australia rode on the sheep’s back and the tales that could be told from the old shearers quarters and cook house would be something to hear.