Building Applications
The Development Services building section is primarily engaged in the assessment and approval of building licence applications. The building section is also responsible for issuing sign licences, and strata clearances. The building section investigates any unauthorised structures and provides advice to the building industry and community regarding building codes, standards, legislation and council policies relating to the built environment.
Below are a few Information Sheets that may assist with any building queries and requirements;
Residential Dwellings
Swimming Pools
Retaining Walls
Unlawful Building Works
When is a Building Licence Required?
A building licence is required prior to commencing construction for most structures including pools, patios, sheds, dwellings, group dwellings and commercial buildings.
To obtain a Demolition Licence, Building Licence, a Building Licence Application Form together with two copies of all plans and specifications must be submitted to the Building Section. For Building applications and other forms click here
Where an owner would like to undertake any proposed works over the value of $20,000 then that owner needs to complete an Owner Builder Statutory Declaration (OBSD) and submit it to the Building Services Board along with the appropriate application fee. This OBSD form can be obtained by downloading the document from the Building Commission's website. The Owner Builder Statutory Declaration is to be submitted directly to the Building Commission.
For further information contact Dave Hadden or by mobile 0438 350 133

For further contact information go to: Yalgoo Community Business Directory