Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Review
The Western Australian Disability Services Act (1993) requires Local Government authorities to develop and implement disability service plans to ensure that people with disabilities, like other members of the community, can access services provided by public authorities in Western Australia.
To improve access for people with disabilities, the Shire of Yalgoo is constantly reviewing its' Disability Access and Inclusion Plan, (DAIP).
The Shire is committed to achieving the seven standards of its Disability Access and Inclusion Plan which are as follows;
- Provide a means of ensuring that people with disability have the same opportunities as others to access the services of, and any event organised by the Shire of Yalgoo.
- Provide a means of ensuring that people with disability have the same opportunities as others to access buildings and other facilities of the Shire of Yalgoo.
- Provide a means of ensuring that people with disability receive information from the Shire in a format that will enable them to access information as readily as others are able to.
- Provide a means of ensuring that people with disability receive the same level and quality of service from the staff of the Shire of Yalgoo as other people.
- Provide a means of ensuring that people with disability have the same opportunities as others to make complaints to the Shire of Yalgoo.
- Provide a means of ensuring that people with disability have the same opportunities as others to participate in any public consultation with the Shire of Yalgoo.
- People with disability have the same opportunities to obtain and maintain employment with the Shire of Yalgoo.
We are interested to hear your thoughts regarding how the Shire can improve access to its services, facilitates and information.
View the Draft Disability Access and Inclusion Plan
You can find the Draft Disability Access and Inclusion Plan HERE (click to download).
Comments will be received by the following means:
Shire of Yalgoo
PO Box 40
WA 6635
Tamihana Cummings on 9962 8207.